Don't fit in. Stand out.

What people are saying

What people are saying about Square Pegs!


What people are saying

Thank you again to you both for the great class and for offering your time and expertise and patience to us all. Really appreciate the tips and strategies.
— parent group participant
I loved this group and getting to know all the parents. It really helped me to explore my own emotions toward my children.
— Parent group participant
I am so thankful for the Parenting Your Gifted Child group that is facilitated by Kasi and Adriane. I am thankful for such a supportive group of parents that can all relate to the challenges of parenting a gifted child. This is a group facilitated by two caring, supportive, and insightful parents that truly get it.
— Parent Group Participant
Thank you so much Kasi. I really feel like I found treasure, hope and a life line in you and Adriane. Thank you so very much!
— parenting consultation client
Thank you so much for the Parenting Your Gifted Child session this week! I mostly talked about my oldest during the sessions, but I’ve been struggling with my four year old... it finally occurred to me that maybe it’s just his overexcitabilities that I have to understand and manage... This session has been great on many levels, thank you so much for offering it!
— parent group participant
When looking for resources for our son, we felt overwhelmed and completely unprepared. You helped us to organize our information and take a deep breath. Your caring and empathic nature helped us to know we are not alone and that there is a world of support for us.
— parenting consultation client
Your words have helped to calm my nerves about homeschooling.
— Alternative education consultation client
I’m so lucky to have found you guys! It’s great to have found an alternative route than my previous thinking.
— Homeschool Tour attendee
I so appreciate all this invaluable information about homeschool options. I’m about to share your info with my two friends considering homeschooling for their kids...
— alternative education consultation client
Thank you for all of the resources... I appreciate you helping me with this and look forward to speaking with you again soon.
— alternative education consultation client
Thank you for all of this information and support, and your words. I really appreciate it. I already feel better.
— parenting consultation client
Your understanding of gifted children is second to none. I don’t mean just understanding the bright high-achieving gifted child, but also the highly and profoundly gifted type that doesn’t necessarily present itself conveniently. I have great respect for what you bring to the table. You are an asset to the gifted community. Your individual work and life experiences complement each other well and they make a solid, well-informed, friendly and compassionate team. I am extremely grateful for this. A big thank you from me.
— Parent Group Participatnt
You are gentle and supportive no matter what sort of question you receive — there is no sense of judgment — it allows the attendee to feel that this is a safe space. Quite valuable.
— Homeschool Tour Attendee